Saturday, June 25, 2011

Dreams don't turn to Dust.

I believe that everyone should have that one famous role model. Well, mine is Adam Young. For those who don't know, he is the singer in Owl City. He is a very talented Christian and that is one reason I look up to him. He is strong in his faith and writes his songs about it. Even in some songs he entwines something related to praising God without most people realizing it. I believe he is a great artist and a great person. Other than stating why he is my role model, many people would not guess that he is also really funny! On, he states 10 ways to tell you drink way too much coffee. I find this little blurb appropriate because many people today drink "way too much coffee." Although these reasons may not be complete accurate they are very funny!

  1. You grind your coffee beans in your mouth.
  2. The only time you’re standing still is during an earthquake.
  3. You take photos of yourself from ten feet away without using your camera’s auto-timer.
  4. Your eyes stay open when you sneeze.
  5. You don’t even wait for the water to boil anymore.
  6. You’re elected "Employee of the Month" at Starbucks and you don’t even work there.
  7. You spend every vacation visiting "Maxwell House."
  8. Your cats are named "Cream" and "Sugar."
  9. You can’t even remember your second cup.
  10. You can jump-start your car without cables.

Be sure to listen to Owl City's new album "All Things Bright and Beautiful"! It's their best album in my opinion! :D

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